Lens Department

Buying on CityStyles313 is more than getting a pair of glasses. Get a new experience with our lens department, available for the best customization you can get in the market for your lenses.

From custom colors, engravings, facets, we got everything for you.

Check out our variety of lenses shapes here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C6yjjosGddQj5Eic1whiEc6dCVGj1mXb/view?usp=sharing


Don´t wait any longer, order now your custom lenses right here with CityStyles313

Want to learn more about why to customize your lenses? Check out this new blog page right here on the website:

If you have any more questions or need an specific request, you can contact us at support@citystyles313.com

- CityStyles313